1046 14 years ago


Old Skool
Yesterday the music world witnessed the memorial to the king of pop. I decided to put together this contemporary mix without the use of my DJ name thrown in out of respect for the man and his contributions over the 40 plus years. I made a CD of this and gave it out to people, at no charge, where I work and where my wife works to show appreciation. The CD does not have the last eight or nine minutes that is contained on this Mix and the last two songs really tug at your heart! The collection of songs was carefully chosen and really go back to his early days and come forward to the present day. Anyone who loved Mr. Jackson's music will appreciate this. I am working on a follow up mix that will contain his more festive music. Please enjoy this gift and leave comments. Peace and love to you all!!



lets just remember all the good things
r i p michael jackson


Such a troubled soul. Such an amazing talent. "Gone Too Soon." He gave us such joy! He lives in our memories. Thanks for a great mix.

Dj Nacho - Compton CA USA

We were lucky to have experienced Michael, one day when we're all gone his name will come up like King Tut, Cleopatra, King Henry the eigth Larger than life figures of a time and land from so long ago we can't even wrap our minds around it. Long live the King of Pop.

Dj Nacho - Compton CA USA

Nice DJ Mark Hood I've heard these before, but not many times people that only hear the radio might not understand how his stlyes reached deep into soul, almost like the dramatics, intruders and like that. Great pulls. Keep it real!!! DJ Nacho bumping it in Compton CA

Dj Ian
Dj Ian

Dj Nacho already said everything!!!
Thanks for this mix.
